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Planning an event? Let the Bermuda Red Cross First Aid Team provide the support you need. Their team of qualified First Aiders can assist existing medical staff or offer full coverage for smaller events. Equipped with essential First Aid supplies and equipment, they’re here to help keep your event safe and prepared for any situation.   Call 236-8253 x 231 or email to learn more! View their website for more information. 

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28 results found in Bermuda for sports club
St. George's Cricket Club Inc.

Wellington Slip Rd., Saint George, Bermuda, GE 02

Blue Water Angler's Club & Bar
The Club was founded July 28, 1958.  WE didn't have a building thenand we would meet at the Imperial Hotel, Archland villa whic is now defunct and at different members homes. We are and alwasys have been members of the International...

28 East Broadway, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Watford Sports Club

9 Mangrove Bay Rd., Somerset, Bermuda, MA 01

At the Bermuda Olympic Association, we are one out of 199 committees worldwide committed to the development of athletes. We are a non-profit organization supported by the government of Bermuda as well as other sport governing bodies. Some...

Suite 401, 26 Bermudiana Rd., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Western Stars Sports Club

56 St. Johns Rd., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 07

Southampton Rangers Sports Club, Members

Horseshoe Rd., Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 03

Mid Atlantic Boat & Sports Club

37 North Shore Rd., Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, DV 05

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